About Our School

Grades Taught

Kindergarten - Grade 9


Grande Prairie Christian School is a Kindergarten to Grade 9 school with 436 students and 34 staff. The school opened in 1979, with a faith-based alternative program being offered within the Grande Prairie Public School Division. The school provides strong Christian instruction integrated in a diverse selection of academic courses with prayer as a key focus in every class.

Picture of Grande Prairie Christian School

We are a Christian school of choice within the Grande Prairie Public school system that focuses on both the spiritual and academic growth of our students. We have seen a steady increase in our numbers over the last five years. We are unreservedly committed to providing Christian education based on Biblical principles while still striving for academic excellence in completing the Alberta Education program of studies.

Who we are!

Our school's mission is to prepare our students for a lifetime of service to Jesus Christ and to equip them to live out Colossians 3:23, which states, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters." 

Our motto is, "Pursuing personal excellence and Christ-like character."

Principal's Message


We strive to promote high academic standards for every student and help each student realize their full potential. Excellence is the expectation for all students at Grande Prairie Christian School. In addition to classroom studies, we want to help each student develop his or her character based on Biblical standards and teachings. At Grande Prairie Christian School, we encourage strong moral values and provide a solid spiritual foundation for our students, emphasizing the importance of honesty, obedience, respect and accountability. Our goal is to enable students to realize their greatest potential, both academically and in Christ.


Travis Fehler


Animated School Council Graphic

​School Council our Partners in Education

School Council Information can be found HERE

Meets the last Tuesday of every month at 3:15 pm
School Council Chair contact information and meeting information can be found HERE


At Grande Prairie Christian School we...

are a school of choice within the Grande Prairie Public School Division. We provide the Alberta school curriculum and Biblical teaching delivered from a Christian worldview. We teach Bible as a core academic class, provide daily devotions for students and offer a weekly chapel service for all. We also offer strong academic, music, and extra-curricular sports programs.


Our School Education Plan is focused on:

Priority: Teaching and Learning
Outcome: Classroom teaching emphasizes early literacy strategies to support the learning needs of younger students.
Outcome:  Teachers implement strategies to increase student engagement.
Outcome:  Teachers implement new Alberta curriculum effectively, maintaining our high academic standards

Priority:  Inclusion

Outcome: Enabling and promoting spiritual development in students through school structures, intentional Christian pedagogy, and relationships.

Outcome:  Promoting a safe and caring environment for all our students through the spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being of staff and students is supported. 

To see our full School Educational Plan and Results Report - Click HERE

The Academy Logo

Programs of Choice Offered at Grande Prairie Christian School

The Academy where a passion for sport or fine art can positively drive a passion for education and character development. The goal is to integrate excellence in education, athletics, and positive character development in every day of our student-athletes’ educational experience.

To see more information about The Academy 
Program of Choice - Click HERE